Friday, June 11, 2010


Anger fits are a time honored tradition among many production people. Yelling, colorful rapid fire profanity, throwin' stuff and making idle threats are as much a part of the gig as Red Bull and junk food. Sure it's fun but,eventually you get a bad rep and before you know it, people are pegging you as the grassy knowl guy in the Kennedy assassination. Not cool. Maybe we can help by getting rid of frustration all together. How about a creative powerup that sends you more fully produced, just add water, major market imaging pieces every month? Now there's an idea that doesn't stink too bad. Look for more imaging on Ripped next month. Rocket science too. Firepower soon to follow.

Edit, customize, slap on your calls or just steal the idea. Bag imaging is your production slave. It never takes a vacation, it doesn't get sick, it doesn't talk back and it routinely saves your butt. That means you never have to miss another episode of Judge Judy.

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