We all know that HD has had it's issues. Critics have been quick to point out that they feel HD programming, along with awareness and acceptance is anemic. Well, the web is full of nothing but critics and remember, critics have nothing to do unless content creators and innovators do something first.
That leads us to talk about HD success stories. We found a blog that took its shots at HD but didn't forget to talk about the good stuff. The blog is http://hdradionews.blogspot.com/. Here's an excerpt from it...
"We are again witness to early innovation, this time around by HD Radio multicasting pioneers. Their work is, again, being largely ignored or discounted. The work of Mark Pennington [RIFF2], Clear Channel, Boulder [The Studio C Channel, KBCO] and Bonneville, St Louis [iChannel.fm] are some that merit our attention, serious study and praise. "The play's the thing" so said Shakespeare and operators need to embrace and drive nothing less than a content and application renaissance, a creative revolution of game-changing innovation."
The blog also put the programming quagmire in perspective by pointing out that a similar sitch existed when FM was just getting off the ground. Operators just simulcasted AM programming until the government interfered. Then, innovation exploded and FM was the next big thing.
Realistically, HD is sort of in its infancy or maybe the terrible twos. Radio companies are putting resources into it and things are happening but, in a web culture driven by flaming and laptop critics, the success stories can be harder to find.
If you know of a success story, tell us at production@brownbagimaging.com. We'd love to help spread the word.
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