Tuesday, June 16, 2009


In a recent radio interview, a member of Incubus talked about the fact that he's attending Harvard. His main reason for doing so is, "I just want to learn stuff". One of the things he's studying is music but, he also has interests in biology and physics.

Being diverse is important. It's easy to forget that when you're spending days and nights in a studio because it sucks you in like a good video game. You forget about time, space, sleep, nutrition and hygiene. Production studios and the creative process are addicting. Even though computers have made everything incredibly fast compared to the analog days, nobody is checking out at 3pm to play golf.

This is where the Incubus example factors in. It would be easy to obsess in the life of a musician but, a lot of rock stars believe diversity is important and being in the studio too much can lead to creative burn out. Biology and rock may not seem connected but, exposure to most anything can be brought back to the studio and tossed into the creative process. Exposing yourself to completely different environments, people and experiences can help keep you fresh.

Sure, there are times when you need to obsess in the studio to make things happen or meet a deadline. When there's a break, however, getting as far away from the studio environment as possible can be the perfect thing to keep you energized and edgy. While taking classes at Harvard may not be your thing there's always cliff diving, bear wrestling or a weekend ice road trucker gig.

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